Senin, 02 Juli 2012

Bold - identitas diri !

Sugeng enjing, universe!

Late night.. oh no, but it was morning! :D
Everyone want to do the best in his/ her life. Including me.

a few months ago, I wasted my time.. and I regret to do that.. yes, I use "do" here coz I still do it.. #astaghfirullahaladzim..

but, Allah is Al Ghaffar..
so, Allah cover up my mistakes.. and still guides me to live my life back to the right way... Insha Allah.. :)

One of my fave word is BOLD. yeah, for me.. lBOLD means we do what we want with passion so it result the best.. and it will make a good impact for us.. coz it could be our Character..

BOLD means eventhough what we do or our activities are same with others, but we still in the our principe.. Bold doesnt mean Different.. but, Unique and Espresso does! :))

Keep BOLD!!!

Young Indonesian,