Kamis, 20 September 2012

The Hills, The View. The Place. The Atmosphere.

Fried rice ala The Hills
The Hills,
The one of beautiful place in Semarang. This dining resto has a beatiful view, the atmosphere, and absolutely the place. Yeah, like their slogan "The View. The Place. The Atmosphere". 

Dining resto yang beralamat di  Jl.Bukit Baladewa No. 24 Royal Park Semarang ini buka dari jam 5 sore - till drop. Tempat yang sangat bersejarah buat aku sama si Hubby, yope, kami mengistimewakan tempat ini sebagai "the most place that u have to go" pas anniversary kami.

Suasana yang romantis, masakan yang enak, dan pemandangan yang bagus, tentunya membuat kami selalu betah berlama - lama disini.

Sushi (lupa namanya-kiri bawah), kanan atas: Buble Ice Tea
Selain western, Resto ini juga menjual masakan Jepang, sejenis sushi yang rasanya boleh lah di adu dengan aseli resto jepang. Kisaran harga makanan 15-60k. untuk minuman 7-15k..

kanan atas: bisa temaram lampu semarang

Senin, 02 Juli 2012

Bold - identitas diri !

Sugeng enjing, universe!

Late night.. oh no, but it was morning! :D
Everyone want to do the best in his/ her life. Including me.

a few months ago, I wasted my time.. and I regret to do that.. yes, I use "do" here coz I still do it.. #astaghfirullahaladzim..

but, Allah is Al Ghaffar..
so, Allah cover up my mistakes.. and still guides me to live my life back to the right way... Insha Allah.. :)

One of my fave word is BOLD. yeah, for me.. lBOLD means we do what we want with passion so it result the best.. and it will make a good impact for us.. coz it could be our Character..

BOLD means eventhough what we do or our activities are same with others, but we still in the our principe.. Bold doesnt mean Different.. but, Unique and Strong..like Espresso does! :))

Keep BOLD!!!

Young Indonesian,

Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

Peacock Coffee, Semarang

Peacock Coffee | Semarang | Central Java
24 jam nonstop Coffeshop.
Tempat minum kopi paling favorit sama si aa'. hewhew..
Recommended bagi yang suka kopi masi aseli. bukan hanya kopi instan yaa..
Menu kopinya gak jauh beda sama kopishop lainnya, ada Americano, Cafe Au Lait, Cappuccino, Carmellito, Hazelnut Latte, Vanila Latte, Mochaccino, Cinnamon Latte, Chocolatte,.
Ada juga menu yang gak terlalu demen sama kopi ato coklat, ada:
  • Green tea Latte
  • Nuttie Creme
  • White mint
  • Cheese cake
  • BubleGum
  • Pineapple mint
  • Fresh Juice  (menu diatas@ Rp16900)
  • Tea --> @ 8800
  • mineral water --> 5900
Tempatnya ada indoor dan outdoor..
Yang membuat kenyamanan kurang, di-indoor yang notabene berAC, masih ada pengunjung yang menyulut rokoknya di ruangan. Yaa.. Merokok itu memang Hak Asasi Manusia, tapi  orang lain disekitarnya juga mempunyai hak asasi untuk tidak ikut mati perlahan gara - gara ikut menghisap gas racun yang dihasilkan.
Mungkin Sosialisasi "Dilarang Merokok di TEmpat Umum, terutama Ruang ber-AC" harus sering dikoarkan.

Senin, 05 Maret 2012

Alhamdulillah :)

When the cloud not in the right direction, and the wind make you feel desperate.. just let Allah keep you around.. then still do the best.. dont forget to pray.. like me today..
Alhamdulillah :)


then the day was cloudy.. like my heart today..
but, The day must go on..
After Obstetric, Enterohepatic will be execused.

the worst thing

Gottermorgen, people.
I feel lil insecure. I feels ... I'm the worst thing in the world. Everybody looks at me like I'm a murder.
It so bad.
My besties do the same.. like there is no forgiveness for me.
I dont care about what people said or what they think about me, but I cant stand when they look at me like that.
It hurt instead.

Today, I must face people. Share about Obstetric here. I know the show must go on..
Keep me in Your Arms, Yaa Rabb.. :'(

nothing part #2

When u try your best but not succeed..
 It feels like you are nothing..
think that you are best.. but, in reality just a dumb.


Bonsoir, mon ami!
Woke up in the midnite wif nothing in stomach is #sesuatu. But, I've been kept promise wif my beloved. i dont know.. He has changed.

Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

Execution time..

Assalamualaikum, universe!
Happy midnite! yeeah..
After the long time, I will take a decision,. I dont know, it better or worse. Just let Allah take care it #amiiinYaaAllah..

My friends told me that.. more and more I do "the execution" it will be worse. Huh! bismillahirrohmanirrohim.. May Allag bless me.. amiiin :|

Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012


Happy Sunday Morning, seduluur!
I woke up early this morning just because I addiction make a case. hewhew...

And it didnt gonna be waste.. I love it, too.. This is it (*ala Farah Quinn).... :)

Many things I wanna do then.. I plan to make a case for my beloved too.. I wish that he will like that, and it gives convenience for him. 

Okey, let continued our daily activity, universe!

Love u,


Flanel, J'adore!

Yeaah, alhamdulillah..
finally, one of my job done! This is my HDD case. i made it by myself. I know it couldnt be said perfect, but I really appreciate,, I'll do better for the next. :)

like what I said before, Dream will become true, if u start to PLAN then Do it, well..
Dont give up to Dream and try..

Happy saturday nite, universe!

Love you..


Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

Mix it all, Google!

Sugeng Siang,. :)
Well.. the cloud looks so beautiful now. Clear blue.. and it more amazing when u see it behind the greeny trees. J'adore! but, I just stay here,, in the dinning table wif my lappy.. hmm.. I wanna feel the wind blow my skiiin.. ahh.. I miss it!

I stay here coz there is some-to-do thing (it not must sih), but I really interest wif this (right now).. I opened my drawers .. then I found my -creativity tools there. Yes, i found flanel.. i found my hand made.. hewhew.. even it not good enough, but i like it. I plan use it to beautify my HDD case.

yeah, holiday like this, many things i wanna do. Made flanel creation is just one of them. Google is my bestfriend right now. hahaha.. Love her, dee.. :*
while i ask Google to find Flanel example, I interest wif the other thing. Yeah, it's about one of My dream, My Home  (insya Allah). It just a part of that. I;m looking for the design for my mosque.. Middle east is the main idea. but, just lil I found. huhuu...

Okey, if I were too long here, my jobs will never give a result, just stucking around here.
my Quotes for today is...
when u want things happen like u want, plan it well..  then do it wel! :)

Love u,

Selasa, 07 Februari 2012

Nikah muda

"Wahai generasi muda, barang siapa diantara kalian telah mampu serta berkeinginan untuk menikah, maka hendaklah ia menikah. Karena sesungguhnya pernikahan itu dapat menundukkan pandangan mata dan memelihara kemaluan. Dan barang siapa diantara kalian yang belum mampu, maka hendaklah berpuasa. Karena, puasa itu dapat menjadi penghalang untuk melawan gejolak nafsu." (HR. Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Ibnu Majah dan At -tirmidzi). 
Menjadi halal. Begitu menyenangkannya kata ini untuk dibayangkan. Mungkin ini menjadi solusi impian bagi para manusia yang sudah memiliki pasangan (maupun belum), karena semuanya akan tersegel dengan baik tanpa harus mengotorinya terlebih dahulu.
Mau jalan, nonton, dinner, dan berbagai aktivitas "mesra" lainnya bisa dilakukan bersama, tanpa takut fitnah bahkan laknat illahi. naudzubillahmindzalik.
Tapi, tentu saja menikah apalagi di usia yang masih muda, merupakan keputusan yang harus dipikirkan sampai beribu kali. Masalah yang datang mungkin hampir sama dengan orang yang berniat untuk menikah lainnya, contohnya seperti Finance, tempat tinggal, sarana, prasarana, mental.. agama juga tentunya. Tapi, bagi yang masih muda tentunya #mimpiMasaMuda sendiri yang tentunya masih bergejolak di jiwa mudanya..

Langkah Besar

Bagaimana kalau kita berani melepas semua hal yang buruk yang membelenggu, dan mengambil langkah besar untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang lebih baik? Biarkanlah Tuhan memeluk mimpi kita.. dan menjadikannya lebih baik dari hadapan kita...